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Airport: Lisbon (LIS)


Current local time 13:21:54 Saturday 22.02.2025
Time zone UTC
Demand calculation 04:02:45 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Europe
Country Portugal
Continent Europe
Runway 3,805 m
Airport size Large airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 14
Slot Availability 77%
Min. transfer time 01:15h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions no noise restrictions


2025-02-22 03:02 UTC AIR TURCAZ has opened a new station at Bristol, GB.
2025-02-22 03:02 UTC AIR TURCAZ has opened a new station at Birmingham, GB.
2025-02-22 03:02 UTC AIR TURCAZ has opened a new station at Belfast International.
2025-02-22 02:34 UTC AIR TURCAZ has opened a new station at London Stansted.
2025-02-21 08:53 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Delhi.
2025-02-21 08:52 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Beirut.
2025-02-21 08:52 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Ankara Esenboga.
2025-02-21 08:52 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Addis Ababa.
2025-02-20 11:36 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Johannesburg International.
2025-02-19 22:29 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Southampton.
2025-02-19 22:29 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Newcastle.
2025-02-19 22:28 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Liverpool.
2025-02-19 22:28 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Aberdeen, GB.
2025-02-19 22:28 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Birmingham, GB.
2025-02-19 22:28 UTC LISFly has opened a new station at Bristol, GB.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
4youJet 7 Departures
AE France 14 Departures
Air Alpha 7 Departures
Air Andalus 4 Departures
Air Cologne 21 Departures
Air Kranich 7 Departures
Air Ruby 7 Departures
AIR TURCAZ 1,457 Departures
AirUK 7 Departures
Albion Line 28 Departures
Anglo Air Company 7 Departures
Ar Brasil Aerolinhas 0 Departures
Bauhinia 6 Departures
Belgian Airlines 7 Departures
British Northern 7 Departures
Coexist Airlines 7 Departures
ColoradoAir 0 Departures
Cracovia Airlines 7 Departures
DANISH AIR 7 Departures
DeLuxe Inc. 0 Departures
DMN Airlines 7 Departures
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Fly US 7 Departures
FlyCurrywurst 7 Departures
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Herbertz Air International 0 Departures
Hispair 23 Departures
holiday rausch 0 Departures
Holiday Star 7 Departures
ilhas atlanticas 103 Departures
Indi Jet 0 Departures
InterCity 21 Departures
International Connection 0 Departures
ITALIANA 7 Departures
Jet X Airline 4 Departures
Kost Air 14 Departures
LISFly 1,002 Departures
Love Paradise 0 Departures
Mariana Airlines 7 Departures
Neil Air 7 Departures
Obsidian Air 0 Departures
Ole Jet Europe 28 Departures
Olympic Wings 7 Departures
Pechy Air Europe 35 Departures
PEX 0 Departures
PM Airlines 7 Departures
Polonia Airlines 24 Departures
QuinAir 6 Departures
R1 Germany 21 Departures
Rhein-Main Express 7 Departures
Russian People Aero 7 Departures
RZ Airlines 0 Departures
Scan Meridian 14 Departures
SilverWings Air 1 Departures
Skyliner Airlines 0 Departures
SNA 20 Departures
Solin Airlines 7 Departures
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TEL AVIO 0 Departures
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TheGalaxisAir 7 Departures
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